SKS energy scouts in 1st place

Beitrag vom: 20. July 2022

Trainees at the best accolade in Berlin

The energy scouts within the SKS Group were honoured as the winning team this week in the capital. With their analysis of saving energy and resources, the trainees achieved 1st place at Arnsberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The project is funded within the scope of the medium-sized companies’ initiative on the energy revolution and climate protection.

The two budding industrial clerks, two e-commerce clerks and an IT specialist previously attended four Chamber of Industry and Commerce workshops on sustainability and qualified as energy scouts. Equipped with the necessary knowledge, the trainees then set out on the search for savings potential in the company. In particular, they examined the topic of digitisation in the day-to-day administrative operations more closely. The team developed suggested solutions and proved with a profitability analysis that the investments to reduce energy pay off after only a few years.

Active contribution to climate protection

In addition to cost savings, the company also makes an active contribution to climate protection: For example, the equivalent of 347 trees per year no longer have to be cut down because invoices and credit notes will be archived digitally in the future. In addition, outgoing invoices and the internal payslips will soon be sent by e-mail. The company can save on almost three million sheets of paper a year. With the switchover to LED lights and the purchase of electric cars for inner-city courier services, the annual resource savings amount to almost 25 tonnes of CO2. 

With their creative presentation, the SKS energy scouts were able to impress the expert jury and beat two strong competitors. Training Manager Christoph Hillebrand is delighted with the victory of his protégés: “It was great to see how much savings potential the trainees uncovered. They worked on the project completely independently, and they learned a lot and gained experience. I am pleased that they were rewarded having travelled to Berlin. This once again strengthens their cohesion.”