7 tips for cycling in winter

Beitrag vom: 1. February 2022

Riding safely in snow and ice

Too cold, too slippery and too uncomfortable. The motivation for cycling in winter often fades with the falling temperatures. But anyone who hops on their bike even in the snow will live a healthier life: They will strengthen their immune system, stimulate their circulation and get an added dose of vitamin D on sunny days. We have 7 tips to stop you getting caught in the cold while cycling in winter.

Mountain biker riding his MTB down a trail through the snow - how to make cycling fun in winter
Foto: Harald Phillip

1. Give up on achieving your peak performance

Your body needs to use more energy when it’s cold. So cycle within your limits so that you can breathe easily through your nose. If you breathe in the icy winter air through your mouth during strenuous exercise, this can lead to irritable coughs. A scarf in front of your mouth will help to warm up the air a little before inhaling it.

2. Keep yourself warm

Gloves, a scarf, hat, thick socks and overshoes will protect you from the biting air. Several layers of functional tops and waterproof winter trousers will complete the not exactly sexy but warm look. By the way, chilly weather is okay when you set off – as long as you have warmed up.

A bike is standing in heavy snow on a forest path
Foto: Stefan Brunert

3. Use mudguards

Mudguards not only protect the rider but also the bike. Road salt or stone chippings, coupled with mud and dirt, will otherwise not only land all the way up your back, but also on the components of your bike. SKS MUDROCKER mudguards are ideal for mountain bikes and gravel bike riders swear by SPEEDROCKER mudguards.

4. Cycle carefully

Slippery and snowy roads can quickly get precarious. To avoid slipping, we recommend wide studded or spiked tyres (with slightly reduced air pressure). Avoid heavy braking manoeuvres and steering movements, especially when cornering, and cycle only with the appropriate lighting and reflectors.

Mountain biker jumps over a hill, you can see leaves in the snow
Foto: Volker Mehlan

5. Keep drinking

We often feel less thirsty in winter. However, the body loses a lot of moisture through breathing, especially in cold weather. Instead of waiting until you feel thirsty, take a regular sip from your drinking bottle. The best thing is hot tea to warm not only your body, but also your soul. 

6. Maintain your bike

Road salt and snow can damage your bike. That’s why you should spend more time on maintenance, especially in winter. Clean your bike with a damp cloth after each outing so that it does not start to rust. Clean and lubricate the chain.

A bicycle stands in front of a landscape in the snow before cycling in the winter
Foto: Alex Pucher

7. Enjoy the white winter wonderland

What a wonderful feeling: You are riding your bike on snowy trails. All sounds are muted by the white splendour. The light is clear and the air is wonderfully fresh. You can feel the cold wind in your face and you feel full of vitality. Now let’s be honest – what could be better than cycling in the winter?

Sunset on a snow-covered mountain, a bicycle tyre can be seen in the foreground
Foto: Tim Fehr